The topic of this paper is coral reefs. It argues that coral reefs should be protected by us, because that will keep the sea life safe. First, we should stop trawling. Secondly, we have to protect the sea life and coral reefs from the damage that happens because of blast fishing. Finally, the government should protect the ocean from people who contaminate the ocean.
Coral reefs are facing a huge hazard nowadays. Loft (2008) claims, “More immediate threat to marine health already has started — the slow dying of coral populations. Biologists estimate that about 70 percent of coral species are threatened and that 20 percent are damaged beyond repair” (para. 2). According to Jha (2008) claims, “ that in August 2005 harsh bleaching exterminated 50%-95% of a coral colony and killed more than half, typically in the Lesser Antilles. Also, people need to have more knowledge about the sea and the life in sea” (para. 3). In addition, the researchers exposed the fact that the trawling harms the coral reefs in a terrible way. Furthermore, we have to protect the coral reefs before it is too late, because if we do nothing about them, I think we will lose the coral forever. Moreover, the sea life is suffering from the damage that happens because of blast fishing that causes destruction of the gorgeous sea life
We should stop trawling, because it has extremely bad effects on the coral reefs. In addition, we have to protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damage that happens because of blast fishing. Furthermore, the government should protect the ocean from people who contaminate the ocean.
First, we should stop trawling because it has extremely bad effects on the coral reefs and the seabed life. Loft (2008) said that “Experts say that coral reefs are vulnerable to man-made pollution, trawling, ocean acidification and other influences that undo what takes nature centuries to build” (para. 9). The researchers discovered that the trawling harms the coral reefs in a dreadful way. It is true that when fishermen use the trawling they can catch an enormous number of fishes, but the thing is that they do not know that they are destroying the coral reefs. Moreover, trawling affects incredibly not just the coral reefs, but also the seabed life. For example, the sponges and the flowerpots are destroyed because of the trawling (“Environmental Effects of Prawn, 2004). So I think we have to educate fishermen and people in general about the risk of trawling. However, the government should have strict rules to stop those people from damaging the wonderful coral reefs. Also they should offer like a reward for anybody who tells the police about the people who broke the rules.
Second, we should protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damage that happens because of blast fishing. Also, blast fishing affects negatively on a large number of the total amount of the coral in the world. Coral reefs are one of the important factors that help to protect the sea life. Many kinds of sea biodiversity have died off because of blast fishing. For example, lobsters, clams and sea cucumbers have decreased in the sea. Tragically, the blast fishing is illegal, but many countries do not have strict rules toward people who use the dynamite fishing technique. So, the government should supervise the sea to assure that nobody will use this kind of practice. For instance, the government of Saudi Arabia gives a prize for the person who has proof of anyone who uses illegal fishing methods. Also, blast fishing may affect the economic side of the touristy countries. By blast fishing, people demolish the wonderful coral reefs in the deep of the sea. To illustrate this, if there is no sea life, nobody wants to dive inside the sea, so the country will lose the profits that they can gain from the tourism. Finally, the damages of blast fishing are more than the advantages, so the government should take a big step and stop those people from destroying the sea life, by giving tickets to anybody who uses blast fishing.
Third, the government should protect the ocean from people who contaminate the ocean. The CO2 comes from cars, burning of fossil fuels, factories and cutting down trees. According to Jha (2008) “critical to control further warming and dangerously high CO2 levels that will probably reduce the robustness and competitive fitness of corals and limit the habitats for many other organisms living on Caribbean coral reefs” (para. 11). These are not the only things that cause the CO2 that influences the atmosphere. Even if we are the cause of the gases that warm the atmosphere, 97% of the CO2 manufactured and all of the water steam are out of our control (Henry, 2007). Also, the human part of global warming is a small element. However, if the government will not do anything about the CO2 gases, later we will be in big trouble. The CO2 can destroy the coral reefs now, and everything on the earth presently. So to have a good income to the government from the reefs, we have to save them from being harmed, so we must take steps to stop people from doing things that affect coral reefs. Moreover the government should hire some people to keep watching people and factories to make sure that there is nobody polluting the ocean.
However, opponents think that coral reefs are not as important as humans. They state that we do not need the coral reefs. And they support their idea by saying that humans are the most important creatures on the planet, and we deserve to live; also they say that some people are living and feeding their family by working as fishermen. Moreover, they state that they are using blast fishing and trawling so they can gain more fish, which will assist them in selling more and getting more money. However, they are completely wrong, because there are many ways that fishermen can use to gain fish without harming the environment and damaging the sea life and the coral reefs. Moreover, the thing that they do not know is that when they lose the coral reefs they will lose 4000 kinds of fish that live on the coral and other kinds that put their eggs under the coral to protect them (Weier, 2001). Moreover, the factory owners do not care about the environment; they care just about the cost. They would not spend more money to protect the atmosphere; they care about how they can make the product cost less. However, people and the government should force them and ask them to keep the environment clean. They should know that this planet is not just for them but for all people; also, we should keep it healthy for the next generation.
In conclusion, coral reefs are facing a huge hazard nowadays. The ocean contains important things such as coral reefs and fish. The government and people should take care of the ocean environment, because of many reasons. The most important reason is that sea pollution destroy sea life, the wealth of our lives and our wellbeing. Also, people need to have more knowledge about the sea. In addition, the researchers expose that the trawling harms the coral reefs in terrible way. Furthermore, we have to protect the coral reefs before we lose them; because if we do nothing about them, I think we will lose the coral reefs forever. Moreover, the sea life is suffering from the harm that happens because of blast fishing that causes obliteration of the beautiful sea life. Blast fishing is destroying the beautiful life of the sea by people’s techniques to get more fish in a shorter time. Finally, finding the solution will not only help the coral reefs to live normally, it will help people to have a normal and good life.
Coral: so gorgeous and so telltale. (2007, November 29). Hobart Mercury. P. 32. Retrieved June 3, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.
Environmental Effects of Prawn. (2004, September 28). MARINE RESEARCH. Retrieved June 19, 2008, from http://www.marine.csiro.au/LeafletsFolder/26trawl/26.html
Henry, P. (2007, June 6). Climate Change Policy - U.S. vs. Europe. accuweather.com. Retrieved June 19, 2008, From http://global-warming.accuweather.com/2007/06/climate_change_policy_us_vs_eu.htm
Jha, A. (2008, January 24). Science: Environment: Hurricanes and global warming devastate Caribbean coral reefs. The Guardian (London). P. 27. Retrieved May 29, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.
Loft, K. (2008, May 21). Coral Crisis: Global warming, trawling, pollutants threaten the world's coral population. Retrieved May 29, 2008, from http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2008/apr/21/coral-crisis-global-warming-trawling-pollutants-th/?
Weier, J. (2001, March 12). Mapping the decline of coral reefs. Earth observatory Retrieved June 20, 2008, from http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Coral/printall.php
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Do you think that chat is good for your children? The chat has now become an issue in teenagers’ lives nowadays. Some people think and argue that chat has a bad effect on their children, and some think that it is ok and this is just a way that teenagers’ have fun. Also, people who think it is good support their idea by saying that chat has a good effect. However, it is not right because more and more teachers think that chat has a bad effect, and that its bad effects are greater than its good ones.
In my paper I plan to argue about chat and how it is bad for our children. We should say no to chat for our children. There are many bad effects of the Internet chat; it can destroy their abilities to write.
First, we should say no chat to our children. There are many bad effects of the Internet chat; it can destroy their abilities in writing. When high school and middle school students use chat, they do not care about the formal writing and they do not pay attention to the spelling errors. Yagoda is quoted as saying (Weeks, 2008, para. 36), “The things that suffer most are spelling and punctuation.” Moreover, chat can also affect the student’s grammar abilities. They do not know when they should use the comma or the period, which is too bad. Yagoda is quoted as saying (Weeks, 2008, para. 36), “They put a comma, not a period, where there is pause”. According to Yagoda, who has been an English teacher for a long time, the students have gotten worse in their writing in the last 5 years.
Second, we have to stop our chatting or we will lose the formal English writing. High school and middle school students are crazy about chatting, text messaging and e-mail. Also, they do not know that they can affect their writing and schooling skills. Students start to use shortened words, which will affect their academic writing later. That is because, in the university, their doctors, professors or teachers will not think that this kind of writing is as fun as they think. Moran is quoted as saying (Lee, 2008, paras. 37-38), “First of all, it it’s very rude, and it’s very careless”. Furthermore, they my get in trouble or they may fail because they use this kind of writing, so it can be very difficult for them later to write a formal paper.
In conclusion, we have to protect our children from chat. The family should say no to chatting and stop their children from doing it. And the schools must make chatting illegal inside the school to protect the formal English.
Weeks, L. (2008, June 15). The fate of the sentence: is the writing on the wall? Washington Post. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from, http://tinyurl.com/6bp4kz.
Lee, J. (2002, Sept). Nu shortcuts in school R 2 much 4 teachers. NY Times. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://tinyurl.com/5p7vtb.
In my paper I plan to argue about chat and how it is bad for our children. We should say no to chat for our children. There are many bad effects of the Internet chat; it can destroy their abilities to write.
First, we should say no chat to our children. There are many bad effects of the Internet chat; it can destroy their abilities in writing. When high school and middle school students use chat, they do not care about the formal writing and they do not pay attention to the spelling errors. Yagoda is quoted as saying (Weeks, 2008, para. 36), “The things that suffer most are spelling and punctuation.” Moreover, chat can also affect the student’s grammar abilities. They do not know when they should use the comma or the period, which is too bad. Yagoda is quoted as saying (Weeks, 2008, para. 36), “They put a comma, not a period, where there is pause”. According to Yagoda, who has been an English teacher for a long time, the students have gotten worse in their writing in the last 5 years.
Second, we have to stop our chatting or we will lose the formal English writing. High school and middle school students are crazy about chatting, text messaging and e-mail. Also, they do not know that they can affect their writing and schooling skills. Students start to use shortened words, which will affect their academic writing later. That is because, in the university, their doctors, professors or teachers will not think that this kind of writing is as fun as they think. Moran is quoted as saying (Lee, 2008, paras. 37-38), “First of all, it it’s very rude, and it’s very careless”. Furthermore, they my get in trouble or they may fail because they use this kind of writing, so it can be very difficult for them later to write a formal paper.
In conclusion, we have to protect our children from chat. The family should say no to chatting and stop their children from doing it. And the schools must make chatting illegal inside the school to protect the formal English.
Weeks, L. (2008, June 15). The fate of the sentence: is the writing on the wall? Washington Post. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from, http://tinyurl.com/6bp4kz.
Lee, J. (2002, Sept). Nu shortcuts in school R 2 much 4 teachers. NY Times. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://tinyurl.com/5p7vtb.
The wonderful coral reefs
In “Coral so gorgeous and so telltale” (2007), the author discusses the reasons that make coral reefs decrease in Indonesia. The blast fishing, the pollution and the global warming affect the coral reefs negatively. He says that the environmentalists want to stop the destruction of coral reefs in order to protect them from dying off. Also, he mention the rising of the temperature degree in the sea and considers it as a factor of decreasing the amount of coral reefs. He talks about the benefits of coral reefs for the fishers and for the animals and plants, which are making the lives easier and help all of these to live normally. Moreover, the ecosystem will be impacted badly in Indonesia if the coral reefs are gone. Furthermore, the author argues that the lives of many animals and plants that depend on coral reefs will be destroyed. El Nino weather affects the sea temperatures by rising the temperature of the sea. Also, El Nino caused huge bleach for the coral reefs, so many butterflies and angelfish have disappeared in that area. Finally, the Pacific countries are working hard to solve this problem in order to protect their marine area and to protect the small percentage of coral reefs that are still in good condition.
It is clear that the author’s view is correct in this article. People have to learn about the sea pollution and the sea life. The sea life is suffering from the damage that happens because of blast fishing, global warming and pollution. We should protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damaging that happen because of blast fishing. Second, we should do something about global warming due to it's effect of damaging the sea life and the coral reefs. Also, we must protect the sea from the pollution for the reason that pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers and it happens because of people.
First, we should protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damage that happens because of blast fishing. Also, blast fishing affects negatively more than half of the total amount of the coral in the world. Coral reefs are one of the important factors that help to protect the sea life. Many kinds of sea biodiversity have died off because of blast fishing. For example, lobsters, clams and sea cucumbers are decreased in the sea. Tragically, the blast fishing is illegal but many countries do not have strict rules toward people who use the dynamite fishing technique. So, the government should supervise the sea to assure that nobody will use these kinds of practices. For instance, the government of Saudi Arabia gives a reward for the person who has proof of anyone useing illegal fishing ways. Also, blast fishing may affect the economics of the countries with that rely on tourism countries. By blast fishing, people demolish the wonderful coral reefs in the deep of the sea. To illustrate this, if there is no sea life, nobody wants to dive under the sea so the country will lose the profits that they can gain from tourism. In the end, the damages from blast fishing are more than the advantages.
Secondly, we should do something about global warming, because it has recently become a universal problem. In addition, El Nino is one of the causes of global warming. El Nino means the warming of the sea or ocean that happens in the west of South America that cause the weird climate in different places around the world. For example, El Nino originates many of the storming and strong winds that happened in the Pacific countries. Moreover, there is another problem that is caused by global warming which is bleaching. Bleaching is changing the Zooxanthellae’s cell to white color. Bleaching harms many things besides coral reefs, like fish. As a result, butterflies and angelfish are attraced to the colors of the coral. So, when the coral loses its color, the fish will not come any more to coral reefs’ area. In the end, people should be aware of the disadvantages of global warming.
Thirdly, we must protect the sea from the pollution, for the reason that pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers and it happens through people. Oil spills are known as ocean pollution. There are many reasons for oil spills, such as accidental spills, careless habits and factories. The accidental spills happen because of the oil ships’ accident or ships’ explosion. Some careless habits happen from individuals like any person who owns a small business and throws the chemical garbage in the sea. Also, some big factories are fouling the ocean by getting rid of the chemicals and oil into the sea. For instance, many factories that are located around the sea do not want to spend money in transferring their waste again, so they throw it in the sea. Moreover, the CO2 that is caused by the car pollution and cutting of trees will damage the coral reefs by the ocean acidification. If the world does not find a solution for the CO2, the sea life will end sooner or later. Finally, people's actions are the main reason for pollution and CO2, and they could solve these natural problems by using some wisdom.
In conclusion, people need to have more knowledge about the sea and the life in the sea. The sea life is suffering from the damaging that happens because of blast fishing, global warming and pollution. Blast fishing is destroying the beautiful life of the sea by people's techniques to get more fish in a shorter time. On the other hand, it kills the sea life rapidly. Global warming is a natural disaster that is caused by people. Recently, it is destroying the sea life slowly. Also, pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers from, and it happens because of people. Hopefully, people can find alternative solutions to stop the pollution and stop hurting coral reefs. Finally, finding the solution will not help the coral reefs to live normally, it will help people to have a normal and good life.
Coral: so gorgeous and so telltale. (2007, November 29). Hobart Mercury. P. 32. Retrieved June 3, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.
It is clear that the author’s view is correct in this article. People have to learn about the sea pollution and the sea life. The sea life is suffering from the damage that happens because of blast fishing, global warming and pollution. We should protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damaging that happen because of blast fishing. Second, we should do something about global warming due to it's effect of damaging the sea life and the coral reefs. Also, we must protect the sea from the pollution for the reason that pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers and it happens because of people.
First, we should protect the sea life and the coral reefs from the damage that happens because of blast fishing. Also, blast fishing affects negatively more than half of the total amount of the coral in the world. Coral reefs are one of the important factors that help to protect the sea life. Many kinds of sea biodiversity have died off because of blast fishing. For example, lobsters, clams and sea cucumbers are decreased in the sea. Tragically, the blast fishing is illegal but many countries do not have strict rules toward people who use the dynamite fishing technique. So, the government should supervise the sea to assure that nobody will use these kinds of practices. For instance, the government of Saudi Arabia gives a reward for the person who has proof of anyone useing illegal fishing ways. Also, blast fishing may affect the economics of the countries with that rely on tourism countries. By blast fishing, people demolish the wonderful coral reefs in the deep of the sea. To illustrate this, if there is no sea life, nobody wants to dive under the sea so the country will lose the profits that they can gain from tourism. In the end, the damages from blast fishing are more than the advantages.
Secondly, we should do something about global warming, because it has recently become a universal problem. In addition, El Nino is one of the causes of global warming. El Nino means the warming of the sea or ocean that happens in the west of South America that cause the weird climate in different places around the world. For example, El Nino originates many of the storming and strong winds that happened in the Pacific countries. Moreover, there is another problem that is caused by global warming which is bleaching. Bleaching is changing the Zooxanthellae’s cell to white color. Bleaching harms many things besides coral reefs, like fish. As a result, butterflies and angelfish are attraced to the colors of the coral. So, when the coral loses its color, the fish will not come any more to coral reefs’ area. In the end, people should be aware of the disadvantages of global warming.
Thirdly, we must protect the sea from the pollution, for the reason that pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers and it happens through people. Oil spills are known as ocean pollution. There are many reasons for oil spills, such as accidental spills, careless habits and factories. The accidental spills happen because of the oil ships’ accident or ships’ explosion. Some careless habits happen from individuals like any person who owns a small business and throws the chemical garbage in the sea. Also, some big factories are fouling the ocean by getting rid of the chemicals and oil into the sea. For instance, many factories that are located around the sea do not want to spend money in transferring their waste again, so they throw it in the sea. Moreover, the CO2 that is caused by the car pollution and cutting of trees will damage the coral reefs by the ocean acidification. If the world does not find a solution for the CO2, the sea life will end sooner or later. Finally, people's actions are the main reason for pollution and CO2, and they could solve these natural problems by using some wisdom.
In conclusion, people need to have more knowledge about the sea and the life in the sea. The sea life is suffering from the damaging that happens because of blast fishing, global warming and pollution. Blast fishing is destroying the beautiful life of the sea by people's techniques to get more fish in a shorter time. On the other hand, it kills the sea life rapidly. Global warming is a natural disaster that is caused by people. Recently, it is destroying the sea life slowly. Also, pollution is another disaster that the sea suffers from, and it happens because of people. Hopefully, people can find alternative solutions to stop the pollution and stop hurting coral reefs. Finally, finding the solution will not help the coral reefs to live normally, it will help people to have a normal and good life.
Coral: so gorgeous and so telltale. (2007, November 29). Hobart Mercury. P. 32. Retrieved June 3, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.
The losing of the treasure
According to Loft (2008) in his article, “Coral Crisis: Global warming, trawling, pollutants threaten the world’s coral population“, scientists are worried about the bionetwork in the ocean because of reduction of the nutrients in the sea. Also, the author mentions that the most dangerous problem is that most kinds of coral reefs are in danger and some kinds are getting damage. Moreover, he talks about the coral reefs starting to be a big issue this year. Besides, global warming is the main cause of the plight of the coral reefs. Indeed, the author mention that there is a good news which is that the scientists are now trying to find natural procedures to lower the ocean's heat. In fact the author states that not only is global warming the problem, but also humans play a part in the coral reefs pollution, for example by fishing with trawling and causing ocean acidification. Furthermore, the huge thing about the coral reefs is that the coral can feed a big number of many kinds of fish in the sea.
The author mentions the issue of losing the coral reefs, and the causes of losing the treasure of coral reefs. Moreover, there are many things that we should take care of to protect the coral reefs; for example, we should control global warming, are should stop trawling and the government should make a decision.
First, the effects of global warming hurt not just the coral reefs but also the whole planet's environment. The global warming has damaged the coral reef. In the year 2008 the coral reef dilemma started. The author mentions that 70% of the coral reef kinds are in risk. The global warming has many other effects on our planet. For example, the yellow sand which we have in Saudi Arabia and in Korea causes dangerous acid rain, and this acid rain is the source of a lot of health problems for us. Also, the acid rain effects animals considerably and earlier death, in addition to the possible for contemporary ecosystem harm. So we should prevent marine pollution by reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers which form acids and increase the water temperature, which have a harmful effect on the coral's lives, and because of the pollution the fish are also diseased, because if we eat the fish we will also have health problems.
Second, the trawling effects are extremely bad on the coral reefs and the seabed life. The researchers discovered that the trawling harms the coral reefs in a dreadful way. It is true that when fishermen use the trawling they can catch an enormous number of fishes, but the thing is that they do not know that they are destroying the coral reefs. Moreover, trawling affects incredibly not just the coral reefs, but also on the seabed life. For example, the sponges and the flowerpot are destructive because of the trawling. So I think we have to educate fishermen and people in general about the risk of trawling.
Third, the government should protect the ocean from people who contaminate the ocean. The CO2 comes from cars, burning of fossil fuels, factories and cutting down trees. These are not the only things that cause the CO2 that influence the atmosphere. Even if we are the causal of the gases that warm the atmosphere, 97% of the CO2 manufactured and all of the water steam is out of our control. Also, the human part of global warming is a small element. However, if the government will not do anything about the CO2 gases, later we will be in big trouble. The CO2 can destroy the coral reefs now and everything on the earth presently. So to have a good income to the government from them, we have to save them from being harmed, so we must take steps to stop people from doing things that affect coral reefs.
In conclusion, the coral reefs face real dangers which humans cause. Protecting the coral reefs is the duty of people because if they would not protect them that means it will be completely destroyed. To protect the coral reefs we should manage our needs to reduce the pollution. Moreover, people should reduce their overfishing to keep the sea life away from damage. Finally, the government should face this problem and take an action to force any dangers that will damage the coral reefs from people.
Loft, K. (2008, May 21). Coral Crisis: Global warming, trawling, pollutants threaten the world's coral population Retrieved May 29, 2008, from
The author mentions the issue of losing the coral reefs, and the causes of losing the treasure of coral reefs. Moreover, there are many things that we should take care of to protect the coral reefs; for example, we should control global warming, are should stop trawling and the government should make a decision.
First, the effects of global warming hurt not just the coral reefs but also the whole planet's environment. The global warming has damaged the coral reef. In the year 2008 the coral reef dilemma started. The author mentions that 70% of the coral reef kinds are in risk. The global warming has many other effects on our planet. For example, the yellow sand which we have in Saudi Arabia and in Korea causes dangerous acid rain, and this acid rain is the source of a lot of health problems for us. Also, the acid rain effects animals considerably and earlier death, in addition to the possible for contemporary ecosystem harm. So we should prevent marine pollution by reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers which form acids and increase the water temperature, which have a harmful effect on the coral's lives, and because of the pollution the fish are also diseased, because if we eat the fish we will also have health problems.
Second, the trawling effects are extremely bad on the coral reefs and the seabed life. The researchers discovered that the trawling harms the coral reefs in a dreadful way. It is true that when fishermen use the trawling they can catch an enormous number of fishes, but the thing is that they do not know that they are destroying the coral reefs. Moreover, trawling affects incredibly not just the coral reefs, but also on the seabed life. For example, the sponges and the flowerpot are destructive because of the trawling. So I think we have to educate fishermen and people in general about the risk of trawling.
Third, the government should protect the ocean from people who contaminate the ocean. The CO2 comes from cars, burning of fossil fuels, factories and cutting down trees. These are not the only things that cause the CO2 that influence the atmosphere. Even if we are the causal of the gases that warm the atmosphere, 97% of the CO2 manufactured and all of the water steam is out of our control. Also, the human part of global warming is a small element. However, if the government will not do anything about the CO2 gases, later we will be in big trouble. The CO2 can destroy the coral reefs now and everything on the earth presently. So to have a good income to the government from them, we have to save them from being harmed, so we must take steps to stop people from doing things that affect coral reefs.
In conclusion, the coral reefs face real dangers which humans cause. Protecting the coral reefs is the duty of people because if they would not protect them that means it will be completely destroyed. To protect the coral reefs we should manage our needs to reduce the pollution. Moreover, people should reduce their overfishing to keep the sea life away from damage. Finally, the government should face this problem and take an action to force any dangers that will damage the coral reefs from people.
Loft, K. (2008, May 21). Coral Crisis: Global warming, trawling, pollutants threaten the world's coral population Retrieved May 29, 2008, from
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